A Young Person's Guide to the Theatre
Family Workshop
A Young Person’s Guide to the Theatre Workshop series enables parents and children to experience the fun of drama and stage production first-hand. Each workshop will focus on a different theatre component, such as props, costumes, lights and sound. The series incorporates AFTEC’s 7 Tools & Skills to ignite our creativity and awaken our sense of arts. In the July workshops, we will explore Sound together, paying attention to the sounds in our lives and improvising short scenes with our imagination.
27 & 28.7.2024 (Sat & Sun)
Exhibition Hall, 6/F, Sheung Wan Civic Centre
For families with children aged 8-11
In Cantonese | Approx. 2 hours
$200 Standard | $100 Concessionary*
$250 Family Package**
*Full time students, people with disabilities and the minder, senior citizens aged 60 or above and CSSA recipients
**Family Package includes 1 standard ticket and 1 student ticket
***10% discount applies to full-price tickets for each purchase of 4 or more tickets
Tutor: Cecilia Lau
Graduated from the School of Drama of the HKAPA (Acting Major) in 2022, she was awarded the Lai Cho Tin Memorial Scholarship during her studies there. She also took part in a one-month summer musical theatre programme at the Guildford School of Acting in the UK. She is currently a freelance actress, director, music and drama instructor. Her recent performances include The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC) ’s “From Page to Stage®” 2024 Strategy and Artocrite Theater’s Venaissance “Les Fleurs du mal”. She is also a member of the CrossRoad band.
Tutor: Sing Jantzen Tse
Sing Jantzen Tse received his Master of Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Jantzen’s artworks focus on the topics of language and conversation, sound and visuals of daily objects and city landscapes. His artworks express the inseparable and entangled relationships between people, individuals and cities, the soul and time. Interested in multimedia practices, he applies different materials and audio-visual moving images to his creations. As a musician he is active in band shows and has composed and improvised music for multimedia theatre performances. He has also led sound and video workshops. He is the Lead Creative Practitioner of the Jockey Club Arts-based Cross Curriculum Creative Learning Project from 2022 - 2024.
Extended Activities
Online Programme
Explore animations, high-definition videos of AFTEC’s production of Comedy of Mistakes, interactive activities and online creative tasks to become a theatre expert in no time!