Second Chance Project

Imagining Possibilities

“Content knowledge is becoming a commodity. The world no longer cares about what students know, but what they can do with what they know.” (Wagner, Harvard University)

To encourage secondary school students to integrate multi-disciplinary knowledge learnt in schools, AFTEC invited secondary school students to send in proposals to revitalise Shalowan Village into a Living Campus through application of STEAM education in a special project – Second Chance.

Sponsored by Tin Ka Ping Foundation, AFTEC collaborated with the Eden Project (UK) to organise workshops for the school teams who also visited Shalowan and participated in Flight – Sights, Sounds & Shows @ Shalowan.

Each school team comprised of five students and two teacher mentors. After six months of experiential learning & analytical process, the school teams sent in innovative and creative proposals which demonstrated the integration of cross-disciplinary knowledge and forward-thinking mindset. A comprehensive analysis on the current situation and development possibilities of Shalowan Village were also presented.

Panels of adjudicators including respected professionals
(No particular order)
Dr WONG Kin Ming (Economics Lecturer, The Hong Kong Baptist University)
Mr CHEUNG Wan Tao (Architect, Sustainable Lantau Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department)
Ms YAU Chun Fai (Public Relations Manager, Sustainable Lantau Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department)
Prof Jane LAI (Board of Director, AFTEC)
Dr Vicki OOI (Artistic Director, AFTEC)

A range of awards will be given to outstanding proposals. Winners will be announced in May 2019.

1. Best Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge
2. Best Use of Artistic Expression
3. Best Presentation
4. Best Living Campus Plan
5. Overall Outstanding Proposal
6. Best Illustration of Values
7. Best Mentor


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