Grimm Adventures – A Reimagination of Grimm’s Fairy Tales
Relaxed Theatre (English Show)

3,660 audience members enjoyed the holistic theatre experience in the past 17 shows

Director & Adaptation: Dr Vicki Ooi

In the light of recent incidents and special circumstances which affected the rehearsals of the Grimm Adventures – A Reimagination of Grimm’s Fairy Tales English Relaxed Theatre, please be informed that the English Relaxed Theatre performance will be cancelled on 8 October (Tue) 2pm.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused and refunds will be arranged as soon as practicable. Thank you for your understanding.

The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC)

Red meets Wolf in a dark forest. She defeats him and persuades him to join the Forest Fists, an organisation set up to help those who have been captured by evil forces in the forest. Red receives a call from her grandmother, the leader of the Forest Fists, to save Hansel and Gretel from an evil witch. Red and Wolf search for the coordinates to find Hansel and Gretel. They arrive just in time to save them.

HK$40 per person

Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre
8/10/2019 (Tue) 2pm

For all ages
30-min performance plus 20-min post-show interactive activities

Booking & enquiries: 2520 1716 | [email protected]

“Every child should go to the theatre because it is so magical. It opens up the imagination and teaches you how to handle problems.”
Dr Vicki Ooi, Artistic Director, AFTEC

What is Relaxed Theatre?
Ordinary theatre experience may not fulfil the needs of all members of audience. Unfamiliar environments, worries about others’ reaction and the experience of sitting in a dark theatre can also lead to an uncomfortable feeling for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders or learning difficulties. Such factors discourage them and their minders from appreciating a performance in the theatre.

Relaxed Theatres Rules
The usual theatre rules and norms are set aside. Audience members are free to make noise, move around, leave and re-enter the auditorium anytime.

Laid Back Environment
Sound and lighting effects are reduced to less stimulating levels. Attendance is capped at 70% capacity of the auditorium to create more space. A chill-out area is offered outside the auditorium for audience members who need some down-time.

Specially Adapted Play
The play is specially adapted so that the storytelling is more direct. Interactive activities are specially designed according to the needs of the audience.

Pre-show Info Pack
A pre-show info pack is sent to the audience including the story, characters’ information and photos of the venue. This enables the audience to familiarise themselves with the upcoming theatre experience in advance.

Venue Support
Briefing is provided for venue staff, actors and administration teams on the needs of ASD individuals.

Since 2014
66 schools and centres participated with 45% of them joining more than once.
90% thought that the performance was an effective tool for learning and development.*
“The simple plot of Relaxed Theatre was suitable for our students. Through direct contacts and photo taking with the actors, our students could have a deeper understanding on dramatic arts.”*
“Simple body movements were deliberately added into the songs so that students with lower ability could also follow the movements and enjoy singing.”*
*Teachers’ and families’ comments in 2018

The presenter reserves the right to change or cancel any programme should unavoidable circumstances occur.

© The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Company Limited. A registered charity. All Rights Reserved

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