FLIGHT – Sights, Sounds & Shows @ Shalowan — Discover & Explore

Discover is on-site and are follow up activities to specific events. This is where participants will interact with Facilitators and/or scaffolded guidelines to understand and delve deeper into the event, Flight in general and wider issues. Discover activities are on a first-come-first-served basis and open to all.

Explore is off-site and consists of ideas, links and other materials for further exploration of flight and flying in your own time at home or in school.

Discover & Explore availability:

Programme 1: Immersive Interactive Theatre: The Icarus Project Science Tent at Football Pitch
Programme 2: Installation 1 - Finding Shalowan Central Village Path
Programme 2: Installation 2 - Floating Net Beach
Programme 2: Installation 3 - My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold Central Village Path
Programme 3: Dance - Fight or Flight Panying (Eagle) Kite Workshop at Temple Square
Programme 4: Music - Sounds of Disappearance Village House A
Programme 5: Workshop 1 - Visible/Invisible Nature Football Pitch
Airport Lookout Airport Lookout

The acronym for AFTEC stands for “Arts for Transformative Educational Change”. We believe in the power and potential of the arts for change and deploy the arts as an alternative approach to teaching & learning. Shalowan village is the platform on which AFTEC is creating the concept of a Living Campus for STEAM application and inter-generational learning.

© The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Company Limited. A registered charity. All Rights Reserved

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